AVGS means free Coaching with me in Germany!
Are you looking for a job in germany?
With a little bit of luck you can get 100% of the costs paid by the employment agency or job center.
With the AVGS (Activation and Placement Voucher) - this is uncomplicated and without any financial burden for you. All you have to do is email your consultant and ask for an AVGS to be issued.
And once you have an AVGS, all you have to do is find the right coach.
You know you can always contact me to discuss your situation and see if I can help you. Just PM me.
Another way to find the right coach or coaches for you is this website: https://avgs-gutschein.de/unsere-coaches/niv-nowbakht/
Next to mine, you will find many coach profiles of professional coaches.
Congratulations on this successful website Beratungsgesellschaft Willkomm mbh
👋 Hi, I'm Niv Now. I help you to land a job in germany. I help you to create your next position within the company. Regardless where you are, I help you to move forward towards a fulfilling and successful career.
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