5 Things You Need to Start Job Hunting the Right Way
Whether you are looking for new career opportunities or job hunting for the first time, an intimidating scenario awaits you. But it doesn't have to be this way!
With the right amount of preparation and a healthy dose of confidence, you can make sure your job-hunting mission will lead you to your dream job - or at least to get a few more interviews!
So what do you need to prepare yourself for job-hunting?
First things first: you don't have to do everything at once. Take your time trying out these tips to see what works best for you. Ready to find out what 5 steps you should follow to improve and prepare yourself for your job-hunting adventure?
Job-Hunting Step #1: Networking & Community
This is where you should start for sure! Polish up your LinkedIn and Xing profiles (don't forget to follow me!) and your website if that's relevant for your job. Then, start reaching out: who are the people on your network that could possibly know about new opportunities? Who can give you feedback on your skills and CV? Get in touch. Also, connect to other supporters in the field you want to go to. And maybe add me on LinkedIn too? Let me know who you are and where you want to go.
Remember: networking can be fun and efficient!
Extra tip: Please make it personal! You should always leave a welcoming message when reaching out on LinkedIn.
Job-Hunting Step #2: Self-management
This step is about taking back control over how and when you are working on your new career. Again: You don't have to do everything at once, of course! If you are planning to change careers or simply finding a new opportunity, schedule specific times for your CV improvement, networking sessions, and searching for new jobs. This helps to stay on track.
Self-manage your time, so you don't feel overwhelmed or unmotivated. Especially if you are working from home, self-management will improve your productivity in general. Build your own system using tools like Notion or Clickup.
Extra tip: It’s important to create a flow that works for you! Notice what is happening when you are at your most focused and productive self. How can you repeat those situations?
Job-Hunting Step #3: Vision
What do you want, exactly? This might sound like an obvious question when, in fact, it can be really difficult to answer - especially when we are job-hunting.
Be precise: how is the life you want in detail? And how does your dream job fit in it?
The more you keep your vision in check, the more you will focus on spending your energy on the right job vacancies.
Extra tip: Don't spread yourself too thin. Concentrate your power on the jobs you really want!
Job-Hunting Step #4: Persistence
Hearing a 'no' and being rejected are some of the toughest parts of the job-hunting process. Don't beat yourself up over it - the important lesson here is to keep trying and building up some resilience. Be persistent and keep on applying: every no might lead your closer to the right yes. To stay motivated, it helps to give yourself constructive feedback and learn along the way.
Also, put into perspective that the times we are looking for jobs are constantly getting longer. So wherever you want to go, make sure you have what you need where you are. Take good care of yourself.
Job-Hunting Step #5: Self-love
Hey, you are taking a new path here: looking for a new job and/or changing careers can be challenging. Are you congratulating yourself on it? You should!
You have taken the first step towards a brand new journey. It won't always be easy, but you have gathered the courage and confidence to do it, so well done. Give yourself some self-love! It will also keep you strong throughout your journey.
And of course, if you need more help in your quest for career happiness, don't hesitate to get in touch. Book a free 30-min session to find out how coaching could help in your job hunting journey.